Who Are George And Lennie?
The famous Steinbeck novel Of Mice And Men takes the reader on a remarkable journey of friendship between two friends as they desperately look for work in 1930s America after being struck by the Great Depression. Most of the country resulted in unemployment and became poor instantly, desperate for work.

The novel is set in California, a few miles south of Soledad,where we are introduced to best friends George and Lennie; George always leading and Lennie following closely behind. Despite being broke just like the rest of the country, they aspire to own a farm together, however keeping any job has proved to be difficult for them because of Lennie's child-like mentality.
Without picking up the fundamental characteristics of the protagonists from reading the text, it becomes more difficult to delve deeper and perceive the controversial theme behind the story. By understanding and relating with George and Lennie, you will find it easier to explore the underlying themes and key ideas, therefore enhancing your overall understanding of the novel.

The novel is set in California, a few miles south of Soledad,where we are introduced to best friends George and Lennie; George always leading and Lennie following closely behind. Despite being broke just like the rest of the country, they aspire to own a farm together, however keeping any job has proved to be difficult for them because of Lennie's child-like mentality.
Without picking up the fundamental characteristics of the protagonists from reading the text, it becomes more difficult to delve deeper and perceive the controversial theme behind the story. By understanding and relating with George and Lennie, you will find it easier to explore the underlying themes and key ideas, therefore enhancing your overall understanding of the novel.
Meet George Milton:
George is a small man but is very clever and has a quick wit, unlike his friend Lennie. He has been a good friend to Lennie ever since his aunt Clara passed away. It seems a lot of Georges life now consists of trying to keep Lennie out of trouble after promising to look after him, like carrying his work card for him and reminding Lennie to keep his actions and words to a minimum. Its a fight for survival. If these men want to keep their job, George ensures that Lennie doesn't do anything to jeopardise their chances of making their big dreams come true.
Although it may seem that George is a kind person due to the fact that he has allowed Lennie to follow him around whilst they look for work, George tends to get short tempered especially when dealing with Lennie. Even George's very first words in the novel are:"...with us it ain't like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. We don't have to sit in no bar room blowin' in our jack 'jus because we got no place else to go. If them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody gives a damn. But not us."
George Milton actor from the
film Of Mice And Men
"Lennie!" he said sharply. "Lennie, for God' sakes don't drink so much."Despite the fact that George gets fed up of Lennie, its evident that he still cares for him. Being someone who is always travelling looking for work, George is lucky to have some company. George cares for Lennie just like a little brother, telling him the story every night about how he's going to let him 'tend the rabbits.' They don't have much, but they have each other.
Meet Lennie Small:
Lennie is the opposite of George. His intelligence is limited but physically he is very strong.
When we are first introduced to George and Lennie by the narrator, both men appear to be similar and very ordinary, but quickly the writer makes it obvious that these men are very different."Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely."
Lennie Small actor from the film
Of Mice And Men
"Both were dressed in denim trousers and in denim coats with brass buttons. Both wore black, shapeless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls slung over their shoulders"Lennie is very dependant on George even though he may not notice it himself. Although him and George are friends, its almost as if George is more of a father figure to him. His memory is very poor and he can only remember minor details like 'tending the rabbits' yet is always eager to please George.
"Lennie, who had been watching, imitated George exactly."
The major issue surrounding Lennie's lack of awareness due to his 'disability' is that he doesn't know his own physical strength, which becomes a major issue. It's not just Lennie's obsession with stroking mice that gets him into trouble. He knows that his own strength is no match for the poor, innocent mice yet still he doesn't understand how far his strength can go. He realises that he can kill tiny mice easily, which is why he wants rabbits because "they ain't so little"
Both men are striving to achieve this American Dream that a lot of migrant workers, like themselves, are working hard for. What sets George & Lennie apart from the rest, is that they have this dream together.
Both men are striving to achieve this American Dream that a lot of migrant workers, like themselves, are working hard for. What sets George & Lennie apart from the rest, is that they have this dream together.
I think that Steinbeck novel must be a required reading in schools for the students to get a real understanding of the issues faced by migrant workers during the Great Depression. These issues are still existing and remain unresolved up to the present time. This book is a good eye-opener for students. I will get a better understanding of the issues you have cited, why Steinbeck novel was banned if you precisely identify situations or examples. However, I appreciate the way how you described the main characters. Are there other characters in the novel that impacted George's and Lennie's "American Dream?"
ReplyDeleteI look forward to your upcoming blogs.... hmmm this is interesting.
:D Blenn
Of course these issues are still around even now but this novel allows young people to become aware of these issues and the impact it may have on people. I am still in the process of reading the book so yes definitely, more posts will be coming up about the other characters and my personal findings of the book once I have finished reading it.
DeleteThank you for reading!
This is really impressive. I can't wait for the next installment! KB